
Your Plan, Your Way

'Your Plan' is designed to offer you a unique product that will enable you to choose your legal costs based upon only the necessary and essential components of your case.

Your Plan offers a more essential service based package, recognising the current financial climate and a world where legal costs may not have been something you had envisaged on the horizon.

Fear not, this is not a purely web-based or online based, or in any way diluted experience. We still ensure a fully professional individual and face to face service, but taking a more matter of fact 'no frills' approach to help you to keep your costs down.

What Are The Benefits of This Option

Our ‘Your Plan’ service enables our experienced solicitors to tailor-make a bespoke price plan in accordance with your specific needs and enables you, the client, to meet those costs on a modular basis, as each module (or chosen element of your plan) becomes necessary.

At the start of your case, your Solicitor individually designs your plan for you and reviews it with you as your case progresses.

All modules are ‘bolt-on’ and your plan can be amended should your needs change.

With the fees for each module being fixed, you have the complete certainty of your legal costs.

Each module is extremely clear and states what work will and won’t be done for that fixed price. Your solicitor will communicate with you throughout helping to keep you within the parameters of your agreed price plan and to keep your costs manageable and easy to navigate.

But don’t fear, should you need the flexibility to progress onto a more premium service, we can simply and easily upgrade your plan onto our hourly rate service, for those who feel that they need a little more beyond the essential service level. The flexibility we offer means that we can do this at any stage within your case, based upon your individual needs and requirements.

With our variety of Fixed Fee Packages starting from just £50 +VAT for our Mediation Services and £150 +VAT for our legal services, you can relax knowing you can still have a fully professional and personal service, with the full weight of our team of highly experienced team of solicitors, mediators and paralegals behind you.

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